Cartoons and Drawings by Wiley Jobe

Wiley Jobe is an artist, a musician, a cartoonist, a fisherman, a pilot and when he can, he’ll tell you to go fly a kite but he will go with you when he does. He is also renowned for his ability to repair antique and modern kaleidoscopes. Wiley has always had an interest in old scientific instruments and the architecture and furniture of the late nineteenth century. Wiley has deconstructed and reconstructed many a Bush scope and has returned it to close to new condition with the mirrors once again showing images the way they were intended to be.

Wiley began making his own kaleidoscope designs in 1987 and then became a part the Brewster Kaleidoscope Society in the early 1990’s. Wiley specializes in polyangular mirror systems in his own designs. One of Cozy’s favorite kaleidoscopes was Wiley’s Chairside model which she felt was the ideal height for comfortable viewing.
Wiley had over many years contributed cartoons and drawings for the News Scope. Please enjoy this compilation of his work.