BKS 28th International Kaleidoscope Convention
The Peabody Hotel
Memphis, Tennessee
May 10-13, 2018

The 28th annual Brewster Kaleidoscope Society convention takes place May 10th through May 13th 2018 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. This year’s convention celebrates the BKS organization with classes and talks presented by world renowned kaleidoscope artists, collector events and retailer events. The convention showroom displays over one thousand kaleidoscopes for viewing and purchase.
In 2018, the registration fee includes all scheduled meals, Saturday banquet, general sessions, unveiling, talks and presentations . Class fees additional. To register for convention click on the link for all ticket options below. This will take you to the Eventbrite page. Eventbrite is the company hosting our registration form. There is a processing fee paid to Eventbrite for each ticket item sold through Eventbrite.
For help with registration or additional convention questions contact the Convention Coordinator at convention@brewstersociety.com
BKS Convention Cancellation Policies:
Registration, Class, Table, Banquet, Flyer and all other Fees connected with registration: Full Refund less $50 cancellation fee per registration if canceled by April 15, 2018. No refunds for cancellations after April 15, 2018 or for no-shows. Processing fees will not be refunded. No refunds on membership fees. Special circumstances may be considered by registrar upon written request at the time of cancellation if after the deadline. Refunds will be paid following the close of the convention by June 30, 2018. To cancel a registration please send an email to convention@brewstersociety.com .
BKSコンベンション キャンセル規定:
登録キャンセルの申し出は、convention@brewstersociety.com までメールでお願いします。
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