
This four day International Expo brings together kaleidoscope designers, artists, retailers, and collectors from around the world. The Expo will feature classes, talks, demonstrations and a huge kaleidoscope showroom. Over fifty artists will be displaying more than 1000 originally designed kaleidoscopes for viewing and purchase. Participants will also experience a unique exhibit of over 50 stunning and seldom seen kaleidoscopes from a private collection. The general public will be encouraged to join the members and artists the Kaleidoscope Art Expo on Saturday and Sunday. One of the major goals of the Expo is to provide an opportunity for those who may be new to, or have limited familiarity with, kaleidoscopes to gain a better understanding of the combination of art and science that is represented in every kaleidoscope that is created by talented artists. A historic retrospective of classic kaleidoscopes will also help develop understanding of the artistic nature of the kaleidoscope.
We are using Eventbright again this year to manage the expo classes and tickets. All expo and class tickets can be purchased by clicking the “Register Here” Button below.
General Info Hotel Info View Available Classes & Talks Artist Info
BKS Convention Cancellation Policies:
Registration, Class, Table, Banquet, Flyer and all other Fees connected with registration: Full Refund less $50 cancellation fee per registration if canceled by May 1, 2019. No refunds for cancellations after May 1, 2019 or for no-shows. Processing fees will not be refunded. No refunds on membership fees. Special circumstances may be considered by registrar upon written request at the time of cancellation if after the deadline. Refunds will be paid following the close of the convention by June 30, 2019. To cancel a registration please send an email to
BKSコンベンション キャンセル規定:
参加登録費、教室料金、テーブルフィー、バンケットチケット、フライヤー配布、その他登録の際にかかわる料金のキャンセル規定は次の通りです。2019年5月1日までにキャンセルをする場合は、登録1名につき、全額からキャンセル料金50ドルを引いた額を返金します。2019年5月1日より後にキャンセルをする場合、またキャンセルの申し出なくコンベンションに参加しなかった場合は、返金はいたしません。手数料の返金もありません。また年会費の返金もありません。締め切り後、やむを得ない事情のためキャンセルせざるを得ない時は、登録担当者あてに書面による申し出があれば、状況を考慮したうえで対応します。返金はコンベンションの終了後、2019年6月30日までにいたします。 登録キャンセルの申し出は、 までメールでお願いします。