2025 Expo Logo Brewster International Kaleidoscope Expo
2025 Info for Artist

DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha Downtown
1616 Dodge St.
Omaha, NE, 68102
(402) 346-7600
Thursday June 5th thru Sunday June 8th, 2025

All Available Forms Can Be Found Here:

1. Read through the Unveiling Guidelines and then add your kaleidoscope to the gallery. Manual unveiling forms will also be available.

2. Auction Kaleidoscope event at the 2025 Expo; theme is “Trails of Imagination”. The following guidelines will be used for the 2025 Expo. Kaleidoscope Auction Guidelines and Silent Auction Bid Sheet for 2025 Expo.


General Information for Artists:

  • Early Bird Expo registration discount is $35 per full expo ticket thru 11:59pm April ?th, 2025 (The clock is on US Pacific Time). Regular registration will be $355 beginning April 13th. All exhibiting artists must be registered for Expo.
  • Special hotel room rates is being provided for BKS at the DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha Downtown. Individuals are responsible for their own hotel arrangements. Use the hotel link on the hotel page to get the BKS rate on your room.
  • Showroom tables for exhibiting artists are $100 each with electricity provided at no extra cost. Each table is 8 feet by 30 inches. You may decorate your table to your own taste. White table skirting will be provided. Artists who are purchasing a showroom table must have a ticket for the Expo.
  • Artists teaching classes will set the class price. BKS will retain 10% of the class ticket
  • All exhibiting artists who reserve a table and stay until the show ends at 4:30 PM on Sunday will receive a one year membership extension ($60 email newsletter value) to your BKS membership. If artists are sharing a table only one membership will be granted per purchased table.
  • Setup for exhibiting artists will begin on Thursday, June 5th, 2025. Please refer to the schedule for exact times.
  • All forms and door prize donations should be delivered to the showroom desk on Thursday before 4:00 PM.
  • The Wholesale Ordering Session is from 4-6 PM on Thursday. Only registered exhibiting artists and retailers will be admitted for this session. Artists handle all their wholesale orders personally. Artist may continue their setup during this time.
  • The Unveiling is a special part of the opening meeting. Any BKS member registered for the Expo may unveil one “never before seen” design of their own creation. The work must be being unveiled for the first time and should not have been exhibited or for sale publicly at any time previously. Information on the unveiling form will be used in the next News Scope. (Please see: Unveiling Guidelines)
  • The showroom will open during scheduled times on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to attendees. The show room will be open to the general public on Saturday & Sunday.
  • Sale items or other items that are lost, broken or stolen are the responsibility of exhibiting artists. The showroom will be locked at the end of each day. Artists may choose, and are advised to remove special items to a more secure location nightly.
  • Any meals provided by the Expo will be listed in the general Expo schedule.

Retail sales, Labels and forms for the showroom

  • All retail sales are to go through the showroom desk. BKS will provide packaging, credit card processing, and handle all state sales taxes for all retail sales.
  • Exhibiting artists will receive a consignment percentage of the retail price on the label/inventory sheet. BKS members attending the Expo will receive a 10% discount of the retail price. Local sales tax will be applied to the sale price after any discount is applied. The BKS showroom will handle charging and reporting of the sales tax on all retail sales in the showroom. The BKS showroom desk will assume overhead costs for cash, check and credit card purchases on retail sales.
  • New Artists exhibiting on the new artist table are limited to three items and will receive a reduced consignment percentage for any sales.
  • Send an email to salesroom@brewstersociety.com for consignment percentage details.
  • The focus of your exhibit table should be your kaleidoscope designs but a limited amount of other forms of your artwork may be sold including jewelry, books, photos, bookmarks, paperweights, etc. Items should be mostly related to your kaleidoscope work. Please avoid a flea market look.
  • Removable labels for your work with your artist ID number will be mailed to you about six weeks prior to the Expo. The detailed artist information and forms for inventory, silent auction and unveiling will be emailed to you about seven weeks prior to the Expo. More price labels, if needed, will be available during the Thursday set-up. We are using Avery label #5418 which are removable and should not damage any surface finishes.
  • The price on the label should be the RETAIL PRICE and written clearly. Your own item inventory number must be placed after your artist ID number. Mistakes made if the retail staff cannot read your handwriting will be honored and you will receive the percentage of what is actually charged.
  • Special order forms will be available at the showroom desk for collectors to order work that is not available at the Expo.

Auction Kaleidoscopes – Theme for 2025 is “Trails of Imagination”

Shipping Instructions to the Hotel
Each artist is responsible for their own shipping. Plan your shipping to arrive the week before the Expo… meaning your package should not arrive before May 31st but should arrive no later than June 4th.


Each Box / Parcel to be labeled with:

DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha Downtown
1616 Dodge St.
Omaha, NE, 68102
BKS Expo June 13th thru June 16th
Convention Services Manager
Number of items in total shipment, labeled in sequence (i.e. 1 of 3 etc..)

Be sure your name is also on the package.

If you have any questions, please email: convention@brewstersociety.com